A Far-Reaching Music Concert
“a massive music performance”

TW Live Recording Concert. Location: Istora Senayan, Jakarta. Photo: Special.
A while ago Lightworks had a chance to support an enormous concert at Istora Senayan, Jakarta. It was a full house, the capacity of 8000 people was loaded. Of course we were very excited to support this event. Not to mention the great concept of event itself.

TW Live Recording Concert. Location: Istora Senayan, Jakarta. Photo: Special.
As you can see from the picture, the lighting effect wasn’t just expose the stage only. But we want to develop the ambience in the whole room, so when you look around, you can feel the awe-inspiring feeling of the event. It is amazing right, to have the same indescribable feeling with the others in that room.

TW Live Recording Concert. Location: Istora Senayan, Jakarta. Photo: Special.
Awesome right? We build the ambience, to support the gimmicks that the concert have. Hope the picture can show you the enthusiasm of the crowd and also the performers.

TW Live Recording Concert. Location: Istora Senayan, Jakarta. Photo: Special.

TW Live Recording Concert. Location: Istora Senayan, Jakarta. Photo: Special.
The picture below shows how we work and wanna show you the difference between an event with and without the lighting.
Wow..Awesome….koureeeeeeeeeen banget mbok……lighting yang muantab..ditambah yang ngambil mantap prof abis….go TW…and Go Lightworks…great job…GBU
Woww……so artistik……..keren bgt……..menakjubkan….
ada CPnya ga? thanks
Selamat sore, maaf atas balasannya yang terlambat. Untuk contact person bisa menghubungi nomor (021) 8378 1775 atau Andreas di 085711150757. Terima kasih
Best Regards, Lightworks