Loving You Always

Dena and Abed's Wedding Reception ; Decoration by Grasida Dekorasi ; Located in UpperRoom Jakarta ; Lighting by Lightworks
Every girl has a dream about walking down the aisle with the most beautiful dress and being adored by every guests in the venue, especially by the groom. It is important for the decoration vendor to decorates the aisle beautiful and special, so that the bride and the groom will have the walk of their life. The wedding was held in UpperRoom Jakarta with the lovely purple-ish sweet decoration.

Dena and Abed's Wedding Reception ; Decoration by Grasida Dekorasi ; Located in UpperRoom Jakarta ; Lighting by Lightworks

Dena and Abed's Wedding Reception ; Decoration by Grasida Dekorasi ; Located in UpperRoom Jakarta ; Lighting by Lightworks
Wedding decoration isn’t always about the big things. Nowadays, decoration vendor concerns about the beautiful corner, the sweet small things and simple yet lovely touch. Exploring the idea doesn’t mean you need an enormous props, you can start by adding something personal and delightful. That way, you’ll touch every heart in your wedding.

Dena and Abed's Wedding Reception ; Decoration by Grasida Dekorasi ; Located in UpperRoom Jakarta ; Lighting by Lightworks

Dena and Abed's Wedding Reception ; Decoration by Grasida Dekorasi ; Located in UpperRoom Jakarta ; Lighting by Lightworks
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Ph: +6221 5365 1667 – ext 30 & 32
Fax: +6221 5365 1668
Email: lightworks@lightworksjakarta.com
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Lightworks Production
Minta price list dan dekorasi dari Grasida decoration nya donk
Selamat siang Ibu Santi,
Terkait price list untuk dekorasi Grasida, bisa menghubungi langsung ke 021-56957045 (kantor Grasida). Terima kasih banyak atas perhatiannya
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