Love is Magical

Josephine & Ricky's Wedding ; Decoration by Suryanto Decor ; Located in Shangri-La Hotel Jakarta ; Lighting by Lightworks
Take a look what Suryanto Decor did to Shangri-la hotel, the magical touch from one of finest vendor in Indonesia has successfully made everyone who came to this wedding speechless. Lightworks was beyond happy to support the extraordinary decoration. It was perfect, and not to mention the shades of magenta were so thick in this wedding.

Josephine & Ricky's Wedding ; Decoration by Suryanto Decor ; Located in Shangri-La Hotel Jakarta ; Lighting by Lightworks

Josephine & Ricky's Wedding ; Decoration by Suryanto Decor ; Located in Shangri-La Hotel Jakarta ; Lighting by Lightworks

Josephine & Ricky's Wedding ; Decoration by Suryanto Decor ; Located in Shangri-La Hotel Jakarta ; Lighting by Lightworks
The happy couple used this wedding reception to show the magic of love that happened to them. As we know, magic is full of mystery, and so is love. But for them, love is life’s sweet mystery. They are going to enjoy the sweet mystery without any worries because they have love, and they have one another. (SW/FKM)
“Love is like magic
Love works in ways
That are wondrous and strange
And there’s nothing in life
That love can’t change.” –Helen Steiner Rice

Josephine & Ricky's Wedding ; Decoration by Suryanto Decor ; Located in Shangri-La Hotel Jakarta ; Lighting by Lightworks
saya kagum banget sama lighting nya lightworks.. saya boleh minta price list utk lighting nya?dan bisa paket sekalian vendor ga?utk bulan july 2013.. info anda sangat berarti buat kami thank you
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