Commitment of Love
“The three ingredients of a successful union between two are humor, commitment, and undying love.” Bill Cosby

Erick & Cindy's Wedding ; Decoration by Lotus Design ; Organized by Multi Kreasi Enterprise ; Located in Thamrin 9 Ballroom, UOB Plaza ; Lighting by Lightworks
When we love someone and we are ready to bring the relationship to the next level then we have to make a commitment to love our spouse till the end of our life. Erick and Cindy have made that commitment and they really know the ingredients of a successful union between them because they have humor, commitment, and undying love for each other.

Erick & Cindy's Wedding ; Decoration by Lotus Design ; Organized by Multi Kreasi Enterprise ; Located in Thamrin 9 Ballroom, UOB Plaza ; Lighting by Lightworks

Erick & Cindy's Wedding ; Decoration by Lotus Design ; Organized by Multi Kreasi Enterprise ; Located in Thamrin 9 Ballroom, UOB Plaza ; Lighting by Lightworks
To celebrate their commitment of love, they held a wedding reception at Thamrin Nine Ballroom – UOB Plaza. Lotus Design put a nice decoration with the combination of white and pink. To make the decoration lovelier, Lightworks made pink and magenta shade at the venue. (SW/FKM-MI)

Erick & Cindy's Wedding ; Decoration by Lotus Design ; Organized by Multi Kreasi Enterprise ; Located in Thamrin 9 Ballroom, UOB Plaza ; Lighting by Lightworks

Erick & Cindy's Wedding ; Decoration by Lotus Design ; Organized by Multi Kreasi Enterprise ; Located in Thamrin 9 Ballroom, UOB Plaza ; Lighting by Lightworks

Erick & Cindy's Wedding ; Decoration by Lotus Design ; Organized by Multi Kreasi Enterprise ; Located in Thamrin 9 Ballroom, UOB Plaza ; Lighting by Lightworks
beautifull. decoration and lighting. good job..
can i get the price list for decoration and lightning for small wedding party such as in Padma Bandung?
Hai indi,
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Best Regards,
Lightworks Jakarta
Wowwww, bagus bgtt dekornya… Acaranya ini di thamrin nine yah?
Ada price listnya sai?
Hai Debora,
Please check your email inbox ya
Best Regards,
Lightworks Production
Bs minta price list dekor yg di thamrin nine??smua nya brpa ya??thx
Hai Melisa,
Please check your email inbox ya
Best Regards,
Lightworks Production
Hai, bs tlg provide saya price list utk di thamein9 ?
Thanks before
Amazing job btw
Bisa minta PL decor di Thamrin Nine?
Hi Olivia
Please check your email inbox ya
Best regards,
Lightworks Production
Hi, boleh dikirimkan price list decoration d thamrin nine?
We will send it to you as soon as possible. Thank you