Holy Rosy Matrimony

Decoration by Mawar Prada Decoration ; Located in Basilea Gading ; Lighting by Lightworks ; Photo by d'lite
Stepping into a marriage life is what most people craving for. Most marriage couple do the holy matrimony thing to ask blessing from the almighty and both parents. And for this wedding we support, held in Basilea Gading. See the interior and be amazed. Mawar Prada Decoration and Lightworks Jakarta made a great combination as decoration and lighting vendors to wrap the whole place in wondrous.

Decoration by Mawar Prada Decoration ; Located in Basilea Gading ; Lighting by Lightworks ; Photo by d'lite

Decoration by Mawar Prada Decoration ; Located in Basilea Gading ; Lighting by Lightworks ; Photo by d'lite
On one night of the matrimony at Basilea, the venue looked so rosy with roses in various colors covered the pillars, cake, and even the foyer. The magenta and soft pink light gave the gentle yet lovely touched to the ambiance. Close your eyes for a moment and feel the love in the air as you breathe in. (RDY)

Decoration by Mawar Prada Decoration ; Located in Basilea Gading ; Lighting by Lightworks ; Photo by d'lite

Decoration by Mawar Prada Decoration ; Located in Basilea Gading ; Lighting by Lightworks ; Photo by d'lite