We’re in Love

Raymond & Selfi's Wedding ; Decorated by Lavender Decoration; Located in Four Seasons Hotel ; Lighting by Lightworks
Raymond and Selfi must be the happiest couple that night. Their wedding reception held in one of the most exclusive venue, Four Seasons Hotel. Not only that, Lavender Decoration wonderfully decorated the Ballroom, that made who attend the wedding fascinated and comfy. Lightworks gave different looks with their lighting arrangement in purple and pink shade.
Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage – Lao Tzu
The loveliest thing about the wedding was, it was all about flower! The aisle covered with petals. Bouquet flowers accompany along, and flowery box as support. This made the special path to couple, walked like a prince and princess. Gorgeous! There also gazebo in the middle of the aisle, flower once more wrapped it. The wedding cake was pretty, flower marched in every tie, and a little bit hay below. We don’t have match words unless happiness to describe how the wedding was. Their gaze for each other said: we’re in love. (DA/MI)

Raymond & Selfi's Wedding ; Decorated by Lavender Decoration; Located in Four Seasons Hotel ; Lighting by Lightworks

Raymond & Selfi's Wedding ; Decorated by Lavender Decoration; Located in Four Seasons Hotel ; Lighting by Lightworks

Raymond & Selfi's Wedding ; Decorated by Lavender Decoration; Located in Four Seasons Hotel ; Lighting by Lightworks

Raymond & Selfi's Wedding ; Decorated by Lavender Decoration; Located in Four Seasons Hotel ; Lighting by Lightworks