Exquisite Culinary: Charity Fundraiser With Delicate Meal

Exquisite Culinary: Charity Fundraiser; Located in Grand Hyatt Hotel Ballroom; Lighting by Lightworks
Charity means “sharing” with others. It is not only about giving what we have to our brothers and sisters, but it is more about spreading an act of kindness. There are many ways to do charity, one of them is through charity dinner. Yayasan Jantung Indonesia (YJI) cooperated with Grand Hyatt Jakarta held an “Exquisite Culinary”, a charity dinner for heart disease patients. Lightworks supported this event creating a beautiful ambience.

Exquisite Culinary: Charity Fundraiser; Located in Grand Hyatt Hotel Ballroom; Lighting by Lightworks

Exquisite Culinary: Charity Fundraiser; Located in Grand Hyatt Hotel Ballroom; Lighting by Lightworks

Exquisite Culinary: Charity Fundraiser; Located in Grand Hyatt Hotel Ballroom; Lighting by Lightworks

Exquisite Culinary: Charity Fundraiser; Located in Grand Hyatt Hotel Ballroom; Lighting by Lightworks
A great food does not only has to taste good but also has to be healthy. In this event, the foods were cooked by some of international top chefs which was performing a live cooking so the participants could see how to create a healthy and delicate meals. There were Chef Petty Elliot who served “oxtail soup with a twist”, Chef Arimbi Nimpuno who served “prawn patty with tropical mango, avocado, and raspberry”, Chef Andrian Ishak who served “deconstructed jajanan pasar”, and many more. The event went well, all the participants had fun. And the best part besides the fact that they were doing this for a charity, they also got a delicious healthy dinner.

Exquisite Culinary: Charity Fundraiser; Chef Petty Elliot's Cooking Demo; Located in Grand Hyatt Hotel Ballroom; Lighting by Lightworks

Exquisite Culinary: Charity Fundraiser; Chef Arimbi Nimpuno's Cooking Demo; Located in Grand Hyatt Hotel Ballroom; Lighting by Lightworks

Exquisite Culinary: Charity Fundraiser; Located in Grand Hyatt Hotel Ballroom; Lighting by Lightworks

Exquisite Culinary: Charity Fundraiser; Located in Grand Hyatt Hotel Ballroom; Lighting by Lightworks

Exquisite Culinary: Charity Fundraiser; Located in Grand Hyatt Hotel Ballroom; Lighting by Lightworks
It was such an honor for Lightworks to be there and supported this kind of event. Dim green lighting arrangement combined with a bunch of red flowers for table arrangement was just perfect.
When people care to each other, the world will be a better place to live. This charity dinner was one of the so many examples that we can do to make this world a better place. Hopefully many people would get inspired and do the same thing. (DA/AN)

Exquisite Culinary: Charity Fundraiser; Located in Grand Hyatt Hotel Ballroom; Lighting by Lightworks

Exquisite Culinary: Charity Fundraiser; Located in Grand Hyatt Hotel Ballroom; Lighting by Lightworks