Chinoiserie 60th wedding anniversary

Mr. Sumadi and Mrs. Surjani’s 60th Wedding Anniversary; Venue at Ritz Carlton Pacific Place Jakarta; Organized by MKE Organizer; Decoration by Nefi Decor; Lighting by Lightworks
Marriage is no boundaries, needs loyalty, trust and good communication to live together for the past 60th years with all compromised. Mr. Sumadi and Mrs. Surjani passing through their marriage for 60th years lived with sadness and happiness and we need to celebrate that kind of strong love that still exist until now.
Together with Nefi Decor and Lightworks to fulfill the celebration of love at Ritz Carlton Pacific Place, Nefi came up with chinoiserie theme for the whole decoration. Foyer decoration was dominant with red color from the flower arrangements and wallpapers, also the green color from trees for the accent. Lightworks gave the touch of lighting on warm and natural ambiance to make the wallpapers and the red color pop up and alive on full foyer area.
The stage was covered of white color with laser cut flowers and chinoiserie pattern all over it. Nefi Décor covered the ceiling with their fabric and put on hanging red flower arrangements and lists it with Chinese pattern ceiling on the top. Lightworks brightened the day with warm and natural ambiance that would gave the “wow” elements to the decoration and the all over the ballroom.
It was sitting dinner celebration with pretty little red flower arrangement on each table. What a celebration of long lasting marriage!
Happy 60th Wedding Anniversary!

Mr. Sumadi and Mrs. Surjani’s 60th Wedding Anniversary; Venue at Ritz Carlton Pacific Place Jakarta; Organized by MKE Organizer; Decoration by Nefi Decor; Lighting by Lightworks

Mr. Sumadi and Mrs. Surjani’s 60th Wedding Anniversary; Venue at Ritz Carlton Pacific Place Jakarta; Organized by MKE Organizer; Decoration by Nefi Decor; Lighting by Lightworks

Mr. Sumadi and Mrs. Surjani’s 60th Wedding Anniversary; Venue at Ritz Carlton Pacific Place Jakarta; Organized by MKE Organizer; Decoration by Nefi Decor; Lighting by Lightworks

Mr. Sumadi and Mrs. Surjani’s 60th Wedding Anniversary; Venue at Ritz Carlton Pacific Place Jakarta; Organized by MKE Organizer; Decoration by Nefi Decor; Lighting by Lightworks

Mr. Sumadi and Mrs. Surjani’s 60th Wedding Anniversary; Venue at Ritz Carlton Pacific Place Jakarta; Organized by MKE Organizer; Decoration by Nefi Decor; Lighting by Lightworks

Mr. Sumadi and Mrs. Surjani’s 60th Wedding Anniversary; Venue at Ritz Carlton Pacific Place Jakarta; Organized by MKE Organizer; Decoration by Nefi Decor; Lighting by Lightworks