Chinoiserie Garden Wedding

Aditya and Karina’s Wedding Reception; Venue at Borobudur Hotel, Jakarta; Organized by MKE Organizer; Wedding Cake by LeNovelle Cake; Entertainment by Andrew Lee Entertainment; Decoration by Steve Decor; Lighting by Lightworks
Aditya and Karina celebrated their wedding in Borobudur Hotel with full of decoration by Steve Décor and lighting atmosphere by Lightworks.
Steve Décor was decorated the whole ballroom and foyer with full of flowers and soft colors. Inside the ballroom was covered of transparent fabric on the top then the stage was fully decorated with pretty flowers, backdrop was chinoiserie board with hanging chandeliers. Lightworks gave natural and warm ambiance to shine on the decoration.
The ballroom was covered with all flowers, chinoiserie prop and soft color contrast with the lighting in some part was purple ambiance for romantic and natural atmosphere to feel the warm and intimate with the guests and family.
Foyer area also decorated like garden still with chinoiserie prop and flowers followed by warm and cozy ambiance from Lightworks.
It was magical and fun wedding! Happy wedding Aditya and Karina!

Aditya and Karina’s Wedding Reception; Venue at Borobudur Hotel, Jakarta; Organized by MKE Organizer; Wedding Cake by LeNovelle Cake; Entertainment by Andrew Lee Entertainment; Decoration by Steve Decor; Lighting by Lightworks

Aditya and Karina’s Wedding Reception; Venue at Borobudur Hotel, Jakarta; Organized by MKE Organizer; Wedding Cake by LeNovelle Cake; Entertainment by Andrew Lee Entertainment; Decoration by Steve Decor; Lighting by Lightworks

Aditya and Karina’s Wedding Reception; Venue at Borobudur Hotel, Jakarta; Organized by MKE Organizer; Wedding Cake by LeNovelle Cake; Entertainment by Andrew Lee Entertainment; Decoration by Steve Decor; Lighting by Lightworks

Aditya and Karina’s Wedding Reception; Venue at Borobudur Hotel, Jakarta; Organized by MKE Organizer; Wedding Cake by LeNovelle Cake; Entertainment by Andrew Lee Entertainment; Decoration by Steve Decor; Lighting by Lightworks

Aditya and Karina’s Wedding Reception; Venue at Borobudur Hotel, Jakarta; Organized by MKE Organizer; Wedding Cake by LeNovelle Cake; Entertainment by Andrew Lee Entertainment; Decoration by Steve Decor; Lighting by Lightworks

Aditya and Karina’s Wedding Reception; Venue at Borobudur Hotel, Jakarta; Organized by MKE Organizer; Wedding Cake by LeNovelle Cake; Entertainment by Andrew Lee Entertainment; Decoration by Steve Decor; Lighting by Lightworks