Shangri-La and MKE International and Traditional Wedding Exhibition East Meet West IV

Shangri-La Wedding Exhibition; Venue at Shangri-La; Organized by MKE Organizer; Sound by Soundworks; Booth Decoration by Nefi Decor; Lighting by Lightworks
Lightworks open the booth in foyer area together with Soundworks, Nefi Décor, Moreno Photography, MKE and Shangrila to fulfill clients’ need about lighting.
The lighting design for this wedding exhibition was warm and natural to support the decoration of Nefi Décor in reception area, foyer and inside the booth with the vendors like MKE AND Shangri-La Hotel. Others than that, Lightworks also support others booth such as, Lotus Design, Lavender Decoration, Steve Décor, Classy Décor, LeNovelle Cake, Stephanus Friend&Friends and Rumah Kampoeng Decoration.
The exhibition was succeed along with the the crowd and we are so happy to meet all the vendors whom joined this exhibition. See you next year!

Shangri-La Wedding Exhibition; Venue at Shangri-La; Organized by MKE Organizer; Sound by Soundworks; Booth Decoration by Nefi Decor; Lighting by Lightworks

Shangri-La Wedding Exhibition; Venue at Shangri-La; Organized by MKE Organizer; Sound by Soundworks; Booth Decoration by Classy Design; Lighting by Lightworks

Shangri-La Wedding Exhibition; Venue at Shangri-La; Organized by MKE Organizer; Sound by Soundworks; Booth Decoration by Lavender Decoration; Lighting by Lightworks

Shangri-La Wedding Exhibition; Venue at Shangri-La; Organized by MKE Organizer; Sound by Soundworks; Booth Decoration by Lotus Design; Lighting by Lightworks

Shangri-La Wedding Exhibition; Venue at Shangri-La; Organized by MKE Organizer; Sound by Soundworks; Booth Decoration by Rumah Kampoeng Decoration; Lighting by Lightworks

Shangri-La Wedding Exhibition; Venue at Shangri-La; Organized by MKE Organizer; Sound by Soundworks; Booth Decoration by Stephanus Friend&Friends; Lighting by Lightworks

Shangri-La Wedding Exhibition; Venue at Shangri-La; Organized by MKE Organizer; Sound by Soundworks; Booth Decoration by Steve Decor; Lighting by Lightworks