Wonderful Wedding

Oger and Intan’s wedding reception | Venue at Double Tree Hilton Jakarta-Diponegoro | Decoration by White Pearl | Lighting by Lightworks Jakarta
The wedding of Oger and Intan was very impressive. We been brought to a wonderful time when we were in the hall, and we felt very joy of their wedding reception. The decoration was beautifully formed by White Pearl, that turned the room into a gorgeous place.
Lighting from Lightworks Jakarta was making the decoration more shining. The lighting has made the place transformed into wonderful land just like in the story of Alice In Wonderland. It was really astonishing that people forget to come back to the real world.
Thank you for trusting and choosing Lightworks as your lighting designer. We are so happy and we hope that your new life together will be happy just like we are.

Oger and Intan’s wedding reception | Venue at Double Tree Hilton Jakarta-Diponegoro | Decoration by White Pearl | Lighting by Lightworks Jakarta

Oger and Intan’s wedding reception | Venue at Double Tree Hilton Jakarta-Diponegoro | Decoration by White Pearl | Lighting by Lightworks Jakarta

Oger and Intan’s wedding reception | Venue at Double Tree Hilton Jakarta-Diponegoro | Decoration by White Pearl | Lighting by Lightworks Jakarta

Oger and Intan’s wedding reception | Venue at Double Tree Hilton Jakarta-Diponegoro | Decoration by White Pearl | Lighting by Lightworks Jakarta