Dreams and True Love

Herman and Nabilla wedding reception | Venue at The Dharmawangsa Jakarta | Decoration by Grasida Decor | Lighting by Lightworks Jakarta
Every girl needs a true love that will always care about her, and every man needs a girl that will always support whatever he is doing for the sake of their love. Herman and Nabilla found their way to be together from now until forever.
Grasida decor have made a beautiful wedding reception with grandeur theme which was very similar to the fairy tale world. The decoration was simply a reminder of how beautiful love is. In other hand, Lightworks gave an ambience that was supporting the decoration, made it even bigger and even gorgeous. Lighting is very important to create a huge nuance, it enhance the concept and theme to further goodness.
Thank you for trusting and choosing Lightworks Jakarta as your lighting designer. We wish you a lot of prayer and blessings

Herman and Nabilla wedding reception | Venue at The Dharmawangsa Jakarta | Decoration by Grasida Decor | Lighting by Lightworks Jakarta

Herman and Nabilla wedding reception | Venue at The Dharmawangsa Jakarta | Decoration by Grasida Decor | Lighting by Lightworks Jakarta

Herman and Nabilla wedding reception | Venue at The Dharmawangsa Jakarta | Decoration by Grasida Decor | Lighting by Lightworks Jakarta

Herman and Nabilla wedding reception | Venue at The Dharmawangsa Jakarta | Decoration by Grasida Decor | Lighting by Lightworks Jakarta