Très Belle Fête
Lovely party or very beautiful party (festival), is the translation of our latest post. Lotus Design has made a lovely and appealing decoration for Denis and Leslie wedding party that held in the ballroom of Intercontinental Mid-Plaza Hotel, Jakarta. They created a shop look-a-like in the ballroom entrance, so the guests could enjoy the exquisitely beautiful pre-wedding photos of Denis and Leslie.
The color of turquoise and white blend together in the shop look-a-like as the gallery of Denis and Leslie’s photograph. Not to mention the unique collection of ShopincQueen Closet to fill the shelves with most wanted bags nowadays. With a warm lighting arrangement by Lightworks, the look of the closet become outstanding. The shop/gallery look-a-like has catch most of the guests eyes, and everybody won’t miss the moment to take a picture inside the closet.
The ballroom is also decorated in white and turquoise color. Who says every wedding party has to be in magenta? Could we just say that turquoise is the new magenta? We’ll see..
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Hi Lightworks… Aku punya plan buat wedding next year. Boleh minta price list untuk lighting kamu dan decornya Lotus? Many thanks yah…
Dear Meilyta
Ok, jawabannya kami kirimkan ke email, silakan dicek.
Terima kasih.
Lightworks Production
hi Lightworks, PL please, thank you!
Dear Sari
Sent to your email, please check.
Thank you.
Lightworks Production
hiii minta PL nya…veryyy nice thank u
Dear Sara,
Permintaan anda kami kirimkan melalui email.
Terima kasih.
Lightworks Production
Lightworks bs minta price list buat lighting and decor by lotus?
Dear Dewi,
Silakan di cek email sesuai dengan permintaan.
Terima kasih,
Lightworks Production
Dear Lightworks,
Kami dari The Moment Wedding Organizer, tertarik dengan dekor dan lighting yang direview oleh lightworks.
Utk itu kami ingin mengajak kerjasama, for our future reference to clients.
Bisa minta penawaran harganya?
Dear Marini,
Terima kasih atas penawaran kerjasamanya.
Sesuai dengan permintaan anda, kami jawab melalui email.
Lightworks Production
Lightwrks Production minta price list dan contacg person dunk ..
Dear Sendy
Silakan cek email anda sesuai dengan permintaan anda.
Terima kasih.
Lightworks Production
this is a very nice decor~
kalau mau tau quotation-nya, mesti tanya langsung dengan Lotus Design? bisa minta contact details-nya? TQ~
Dear Marg,
Benar, apabila anda ingin tau harga Lotus Design bisa tanya langsung ke mereka.
Untuk contact detailsnya kami kirimkan ke email anda.
Terima kasih.
Lightworks Production
Hi Lightworks
Suka sekali sama portfolio kalian.
bole minta pricelistnya?
Dear Rica
Terima kasih telah tertarik dengan portfolio kami.
Untuk price list silakan cek email anda.
Lightworks Production
boleh minta di email contact number nya
sama price list untuk decoration nya…
Dear Victor
Silakan cek email anda.
Thank you
Lightworks Production
dear lightworks..
bs minta PL buat lightworks dan Lotus design? thx ya
Dear Ying,
Silakan cek email anda, terima kasih.
Lightworks Production
i like it! suka bgdt d ma lotus decor, smoga wedding g thn dpn pk lotus decor jg, mnt d krm PL nya iiia,thanks
Dear Icha
Silakan cek email anda sesuai dengan permintaan.
Terima kasih.
Lightworks Production
hai, aku lg do budgeting ni, bisa minta PL untuk lightworks dan lotus design? thxx =)
Dear Meimei,
Kami kirimkan penawaran ke email anda.
Terima kasih
Lightworks Production
minta PL.nya dooong kirim k email aku :
Dear Nita
Permintaannya kami jawab melalui email.
Terima kasih
Lightworks Production
Lightworks Production, minta PL nya dunk….
Hi lightworks bisa minta PL untuk Lighting dari kamu dan dekor Lotus?
kirim email ke thanks
hai, aku lg do budgeting ni, bisa minta PL untuk lightworks dan lotus design? thxx =)
Lightworks, saya tertarik dengan Lotus design dan kreasi dari lightworks. Boleh minta price listnya?
hi, mau juga donk Price list untuk dekor lotus and flora, juga lighting mu. thank u
Dear Veronica,
Kami telah mengirimkan penawaran ke email anda, silahkan diperiksa kembali. Terima kasih.
Best Regards,
Lightworks Production
Dear Wenny,
Kami telah mengirimkan penawaran dan detail informasi yang diinginkan ke email anda, silahkan diperiksa kembali. Terima kasih.
Best Regards,
Lightworks Production
Dear Yellie,
Kami telah mengirimkan penawaran ke email anda, silahkan diperiksa kembali. Terima kasih.
Best Regards,
Lightworks Production
Dear Diana,
Terima kasih atas pujiannya. Kami juga sangat senang bisa bekerja sama dengan Lotus Design. Kami telah mengirimkan penawaran (price list) ke email anda, silahkan diperiksa kembali. Terima kasih
Best Regards,
Lightworks Production
hi there,
boleh minta PL untuk lightworks dan watie iskandar dekor?
thanks ya
Dear Dita,
Kami telah mengirimkan penawaran sesuai permintaan ke email anda. Silahkan diperiksa kembali. Terima kasih.
Lightworks Production
Hi lightworks bisa minta info pricelistnya – thank you
Hai Shinta,
Please check your email inbox
Best Regards,
Lightworks Production
Dear lighworks, minta pricelist’nya ya. Thanks
Hai Della
Please check your Email Inbox
Best Regards,
Lightworks Production
Hi, mau juga dong PL lightworks sm lotus designnya, thanks yaa
Hai Caca,
Please check Email Inbox ya.
Best Regards,
Lightworks Production
Hi lightworks,
Bisa minta tolong di email utk price list dan perinciannya? Saya tertarik menggunakan jasa lightworks sbg penunjang dekorasi saya.. Thanks
Hai Dfore,
Please check your email inbox yah
Best Regards,
Lightworks Production
Hi, boleh minta PL. dan juga contact person Lotus design sekaligus PL. Thank you
Hai Nastasia,
Plese check your email inbox ya,
Best Regards,
Lightworks Productiom
Hi Lightworks,
May i know your pricelist and Lotus Design pricelist
Thank you.
Hai Mira
Please check your email inbox
Best Regards,
Reiza Sunardi
Halo Lightworks, bole minta PL untuk lightingnya kamu and deco by Lotus? buat taon depan Nov 13. Hotel preferred currently Mandarin oriental and Intercontinental. bisa dikirim beberapa portfolionya?
Thanks ya