Happy Couple Happy Wedding

Wisnu and Hilda’s wedding reception; Venue at Four Season Hotel; Decoration by Lotus; Lighting by Lightworks
You don’t need a big wedding stage to make your venue for wedding reception look amazing. Just take a look at Wisnu and Hilda’s wedding reception in Four Season Hotel. It was simple yet beautiful wedding stage by Lotus decoration. It full of white flowers in the body and colorful flowers at the top. Not to mention both of big vase that coloring the decoration. The decoration got softer and smooth because of the touch of lighting by Lightworks as the lighting designer.
Not only the wedding stage, the room also look stunning with the flower in table arrangement and the chandelier. The warm ambiance from the natural color of lighting also build up the right atmosphere for the special friends and family who attend the wedding. It is a great day, a great wedding for everyone.
It is great to see the happiest couple smiling and laughing all day long in the wedding reception. Happy wedding Wisnu and Hilda!

Wisnu and Hilda’s wedding reception; Venue at Four Season Hotel; Decoration by Lotus; Lighting by Lightworks

Wisnu and Hilda’s wedding reception; Venue at Four Season Hotel; Decoration by Lotus; Lighting by Lightworks

Wisnu and Hilda’s wedding reception; Venue at Four Season Hotel; Decoration by Lotus; Lighting by Lightworks

Wisnu and Hilda’s wedding reception; Venue at Four Season Hotel; Decoration by Lotus; Lighting by Lightworks