MNC Marketing Gathering

MNC Marketing Gathering | Venue at Upperroom Jakarta | Lighting by Lightworks Jakarta
It is the duty of a great company to know what exactly the market wants and needs. The MNC Marketing Gathering is one of the best company we known of. Their dedication to bring the goodness of things to people is somehow just great.
Lightworks have learned to bring the best lighting in every occasion and in every event that needs a right ambience. We provided what company need. Especially on this gathering, we wanted to bring only the best.
Thank you for trusting and choosing Lightworks Jakarta as your lighting designer. We know what you wanted, as what we have learned it from you.

MNC Marketing Gathering | Venue at Upperroom Jakarta | Lighting by Lightworks Jakarta

MNC Marketing Gathering | Venue at Upperroom Jakarta | Lighting by Lightworks Jakarta

MNC Marketing Gathering | Venue at Upperroom Jakarta | Lighting by Lightworks Jakarta

MNC Marketing Gathering | Venue at Upperroom Jakarta | Lighting by Lightworks Jakarta