To Dance With You, Forever

Michael Tjandra & Jeniffer's Wedding ; Organized by Kenisha Wedding Organizer ; Located in Upperroom Jakarta ; Lighting by Lightworks
As we stepped into the foyer of Michael Tjandra and Jeniffer’s wedding, we could see their unique pre-wedding photos which themed by the poster of movies at the cinema. As we moved to the inside, there’s a cute decoration with a picture of the bride and groom that can be used as a photobooth.

Michael Tjandra & Jeniffer's Wedding ; Organized by Kenisha Wedding Organizer ; Located in Upperroom Jakarta ; Lighting by Lightworks

Michael Tjandra & Jeniffer's Wedding ; Organized by Kenisha Wedding Organizer ; Located in Upperroom Jakarta ; Lighting by Lightworks

Michael Tjandra & Jeniffer's Wedding ; Organized by Kenisha Wedding Organizer ; Located in Upperroom Jakarta ; Lighting by Lightworks

Michael Tjandra & Jeniffer's Wedding ; Organized by Kenisha Wedding Organizer ; Located in Upperroom Jakarta ; Lighting by Lightworks
The wedding reception, which was organized by Kenisha Wedding Organizer, started when the happy couple entered the venue with the accompaniment of sweet and romantic dance. The romantic ambiance also can be felt from the magenta shade produced by the lighting set from Lightworks. (SW/MN)

Michael Tjandra & Jeniffer's Wedding ; Organized by Kenisha Wedding Organizer ; Located in Upperroom Jakarta ; Lighting by Lightworks

Michael Tjandra & Jeniffer's Wedding ; Organized by Kenisha Wedding Organizer ; Located in Upperroom Jakarta ; Lighting by Lightworks

Michael Tjandra & Jeniffer's Wedding ; Organized by Kenisha Wedding Organizer ; Located in Upperroom Jakarta ; Lighting by Lightworks

Michael Tjandra & Jeniffer's Wedding ; Organized by Kenisha Wedding Organizer ; Located in Upperroom Jakarta ; Lighting by Lightworks
hay..dekorasi stage-nya keren banget..simple..bisa tau range harga untuk dekorasi (termasuk lighting), venue, dan WO nya?..
thanks a lot
Hi Dewi
Please Check email inbox ya
Best Regards,
Lightworks Production
Hi boleh minta PL nya untuk dekor dan lighting seperti ini? thanks.
Hi Kei,
Please check your email inbox,
Best Regards,
Lightworks Jakarta
Hi, bole minta PL yang kaya begini? thanks
bole minta price list yg kaya begini?
Hai Yenny,
Please kindly check your email inbox
Best Regards,
Lightworks Production
Boleh minta price list utk decor kayak begini? Dan siapa yg bikin dekornya?
Terima kasih
Hai Marcel,
Please check your email inbox
Best Regards,
Lightworks Production
Hi again Lightworks,
So sorry but the email that you sent went to my junk mail and I pressed delete by accident. Would you be able to re-send the email again? Thanks so much!
Hai marcel,
Its ok, we will sent to you immediately
Best Regards,
Lightworks Production
Hi, bisa minta info PL decor and lightingnya?
Hi Natalia,
Please check your email inbox ya.
Best Regards,
Lightworks Production
Hi boleh tolong email PL untuk decor dan lightingnya? Thanks
Hi Yanti,
Please check your email inbox
Best Regards,
Lightworks Production
Hai… bisa tau PL dan nformasi untuk dekor seperti ini?
Hai Ali
Please check your email inbox
Best Regards,
Lightworks Production
hi decor by siapa ya? minta PL ny ya. thank you
hi bs tau dekor nya siapa yah? minta email PL nya jg. thank you