Love Celebration in The Park
“Experience the beauty of the lights with an outdoor celebration”
When we were told that the wedding is going to be held in outdoor venue, we were so glad. Because we could explore and express so many things with the lighting arrangement and different from what we do in indoor venue. The Bride and groom chose Plataran, one beautiful outdoor venue near Jagakarsa to celebrate their wedding day. And we are agree that this place was so great, and of course Watie Iskandar Decoration do the magic by changing an empty park to be one beautiful place for the newlyweds celebrate and share their happiness.
Effortlessly gorgeous. Those two words that could describe the entire look of the night. Not to mention the bride and the groom as the happiest couple on earth. Their wedding day couldn’t get any better. Watie Iskandar Decoration make a twist by decorate the venue with traditional theme but in a beautiful way!
Pictures above are the dinner table for the family section. It reminds us with the glass house, right?.
Contact Us:
Ph: +6221 5365 1667
Fax: +6221 5365 1668
Bisa minta pricelist buat lighting? Dan juga contactnya watie iskandar decoration?
Dear Grace
Permintaan anda kami kirimkan melalui email ya.
Silakan di cek.
Terima kasih.
Best Regards
Lightworks Production
Bisa minta info/pricelist utk lighting? kebetulan acara nya akan di Plataran juga, dan juga contact untuk Watie Iskandar Decoration? Thank u..
Dear Cyntya,
Permintaan anda kami jawab melalui email ya.
Silakan di cek.
Terima kasih.
Best Regards,
Lightworks Production
boleh minta contact number nya… perlu untuk referensi pernikahan di bulan maret 2011.
terima kasih…
Dear Febby,
Anda bisa menghubungi kami di nomor 021-53651667.
Terima kasih.
Lightworks Production
boleh tolong dikirim ke email saya saya tertarik untuk penyewaan decoration adat palembang ..
thanks and regards
Dear Gathy
Permintaan dikirim ke email anda.
Terima kasih.
Lightworks Production
Wah keren…Bisa minta pricelist buat lighting? Dan juga contactnya watie iskandar decoration?kebetulan lokasinya sama dplataran juga..
Thanks b4
Bisa dikirimkan price list untuk dekorasi di plataran?
Eehhhh kawinan guwee nihh… Kok gak disebutin sih namanya?.. Btw tgl kawinnya 18 Juli loh…
Anyway Thanks bgt yah.. U guys did an amazing job!!!
Dear Miu,
Terima kasih atas pujiannya. Kami telah mengirimkan penawaran (price list) kami, berikut informasi yang anda perlukan ke email anda. Silahkan diperiksa kembali. Terima kasih.
Best Regards,
Dear Griya,
Kami telah mengirimkan penawaran ke email anda. Silahkan diperiksa kembali. Terima kasih.
Lightworks Production
Dear Karina,
Boleh kami meminta nama Karina dan pasangan? Kami akan segera mencantumkannya. Mohon maaf karena kami bekerja sama dengan Watie Iskandar decoration dan belum mendapatkan detil informasinya. It was a divine moment too, Ms. Karina. Great night, great ambiance. We wish you a beautiful journey in your marriage.
Best Regards,
Lightworks Production
Hi namanya Karina Nasoetion dan suamiku Satya Radjasa… Thanks again guys… Would definitely recommend you guys to our relatives…
Dear Karina,
Dengan senang hati kami telah manuliskan nama Karina & Satya dalam blog post kami. Thank you for stopping by and check our blog. and thank you for considering us to be recommended. That’s so wonderful! Have a good day!
Best Ragards,
Lightworks Production
boleh minta alamat email karina? aku mau nanya2 sama dia soal tema pernikahannya, kebetulan aku jg akan pakai adat mandailing. Thanks.
Hi Annie.. Ini emailku yah … Thanks
Bisa minta pricelist plataran? Thanks
bisa minta pricelist untuk weddingnya?
thank youuu
Mohon di share utk pricelist lighting dan watie iskandar decorationnya ya. Thanks!
Selamat siang Ibu Jane,
Lightworks akan menghubungi Ibu secepatnya melalui email yang telah diberikan. Terima kasih
Best Regards, Lightworks