Sweet Simplicity

Erwin and Linda's Wedding ; Decoration by Lotus Design ; Located in Ceria Room Shangri-La ; Lighting by Lightworks
It was a very wonderful night for Erwin & Linda as they held their wedding day in Ceria Room – Shangri La Hotel. Everything were set in a simple and sweet way by Lotus Design, yet without losing the elegant ambience. A very good representative of the bride and groom on that day, Erwin and Linda.

Erwin and Linda's Wedding ; Decoration by Lotus Design ; Located in Ceria Room Shangri-La ; Lighting by Lightworks

Erwin and Linda's Wedding ; Decoration by Lotus Design ; Located in Ceria Room Shangri-La ; Lighting by Lightworks
Lightworks played with a combination of white and yellowish lighting design to create the perfect ambience. While Lotus Design managed to create a very simple yet beautiful decoration using flowers like white lilies, yellow roses and jasmines as the most dominant element accompanied with white candles and big crystal vases. For the entrance, Lightworks illuminate the coridor with a touch of blue and purpleish lighting to give another sense of elegant ambience mixed with a sense of calmness.

Erwin and Linda's Wedding ; Decoration by Lotus Design ; Located in Ceria Room Shangri-La ; Lighting by Lightworks

Erwin and Linda's Wedding ; Decoration by Lotus Design ; Located in Ceria Room Shangri-La ; Lighting by Lightworks

Erwin and Linda's Wedding ; Decoration by Lotus Design ; Located in Ceria Room Shangri-La ; Lighting by Lightworks
The wedding cake was probably the simplest cake yet sophisticated with a sweet bouquet of white roses on top of it. Erwin and Linda definitely paid attention to every sweet little detail which when combined together created a very simple yet classy wedding concept. We wish their marriage would be as sweet as those set of flowers used for the decoration for the rest of their lives. (HG/HW)

Erwin and Linda's Wedding ; Decoration by Lotus Design ; Located in Ceria Room Shangri-La ; Lighting by Lightworks

Erwin and Linda's Wedding ; Decoration by Lotus Design ; Located in Ceria Room Shangri-La ; Lighting by Lightworks

Erwin and Linda's Wedding ; Decoration by Lotus Design ; Located in Ceria Room Shangri-La ; Lighting by Lightworks
Hai.. Ini keren banget.. Bisa kirim price listnya ga?
Terima kasih Ibu Venni. Akan kami kirimkan secepatnya ke alamat email yang tertera. Best regards
halo, design lightingnya bagus , bisa tolong kirim pricelist nya?
Thank you 😉