A Little Night of Love
Entering the ballroom was like entering a different place. A place that maybe you won’t find in Jakarta. But there it was, Lavender Decoration successfully developed a pretty and fine decoration. Not to mention the little Eiffel, that explains it all. You can feel the warmth, the romance, and that little Eiffel, like a night in Paris, the city of love. The perfect lights in the decoration that shows the affection from the bride and the groom.
Contact Us:
Ph: +6221 5365 1667
Fax: +6221 5365 1668
Email: lightworks@lightworksjakarta.com
Bgs ne konsep dekor and lightingnya bs minta krmin pricelistnya ?
Thxxx ^^
Dear Via
Permintaan dikirim ke email anda.
Terima kasih.
Lightworks Production
pak, kalau yang seperti ini, dekor dan lightingnya berapa pricelistnya?
Dear Hartono Wijaya,
Kami telah mengirimkan penawaran ke email anda. Silahkan diperiksa kembali. Terima kasih.
Lightworks Production
Decor and lightingnya bagus. Untuk di semarang berapa ya kira2.
Dear Melvin,
thanks buat komentarnya. Permintaan anda sudah kami kirim ke email anda. Silahkan di cek yah.
Best Regards,
Lightworks Production
bagus neh concept decor sama lightningnya.. bisa tolong kirimin price listnya gak yah?
Hi Suryanto,
thanks buat komentarnya. Permintaan anda sudah kami kirim ke email anda. Silahkan di cek yah.
Best Regards,
Lightworks Production