The Light of The Day

Decoration by Soeryanto ; Located in Mulia Hotel Ballroom - Jakarta ; Lighting supported by Lightworks

Decoration by Soeryanto Decor; Located in Mulia Hotel Ballroom - Jakarta ; Lighting supported by Lightworks

Celebrating the beginning of a new life in marriage is definitely one event that worth spending every effort. To have an unforgettable, lovely, yet stunning celebration is everyone’s dream for their wedding. The happiest couple that night, Angganata and Ancilla, has thrown one splendid wedding party, and decorated by the one Soeryanto decor. You can see the art of decoration, and feel the warm atmosphere from the lighting arrangement we made for the night. Isn’t it beautiful?

    Decoration by Soeryanto ; Located in Mulia Hotel Ballroom - Jakarta ; Lighting supported by Lightworks

Decoration by Soeryanto Decor ; Located in Mulia Hotel Ballroom - Jakarta ; Lighting supported by Lightworks

    Decoration by Soeryanto ; Located in Mulia Hotel Ballroom - Jakarta ; Lighting supported by Lightworks

Decoration by Soeryanto Decor; Located in Mulia Hotel Ballroom - Jakarta ; Lighting supported by Lightworks

    Decoration by Soeryanto ; Located in Mulia Hotel Ballroom - Jakarta ; Lighting supported by Lightworks

Decoration by Soeryanto Decor; Located in Mulia Hotel Ballroom - Jakarta ; Lighting supported by Lightworks

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Fax: +6221 5365 1668


Posted on October 27, 2010 by Lightworks in Vendors  |  6 Comments


taufik Dec 6, 2010 | 6:10 PM

Bisa minta PL utk decor di solo?

Thx you

Lightworks Dec 8, 2010 | 9:29 AM

Dear Taufik

Sesuai dengan permintaan anda, kami jawab melalui email.
Terima kasih.

Lightworks Production

Billy Dec 22, 2010 | 3:56 PM

Tolong dikirimkan PL untuk decor di daerah wonosobo.

Terima kasih

fanny Jan 5, 2011 | 11:06 AM

dear lightworks,

saya berencana nikah pertengahan tahun ini, bisa tau PL utk decor seperti ini?
terima kasih


Lightworks Mar 2, 2011 | 3:44 PM

Dear Billy,

Kami telah mengirimkan penawaran ke email anda, silahkan diperiksa kembali. Dan untuk keperluan di luar Jakarta, anda bisa langsung menghubungi kami di 021 5365 1667 untuk detail informasinya. Atau bisa kami meminta nomor anda yang bisa dihubungi? Terima kasih.

Best Regards,
Lightworks Production

Lightworks Mar 2, 2011 | 3:52 PM

Dear Fanny,

Turut senang dengan rencana pernikahan anda. Kami telah mengirimkan penawaran ke email anda, silahkan diperiksa kembali. Terima kasih.

Best Regards,
Lightworks Production

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